With your help the people of West Africa have "a chance, not only to change their own lives and their own destinies, but to change the future of an entire generation".

Friday, January 11, 2013

Education is a powerful tool.....

In Ghana we have an excellent undercover reporter, called Anas.  He has worked to expose issues in many areas of our society.  His report on the ritual killing of children for being disabled and other reasons, has finally been brought, in a fairly balanced way, the issues.  The only hope for these communities, often remote and without ready access, is EDUCATION - both general and health (for many of the issues are related to health - be it maternal health or child health).  This link is tough to read, please only do so if and when you are ready for some tough facts about why children are being killed, but please understand the bigger challenge 'HOW do we get a change in the understanding of the community?'  

We strongly believe that young people like Lydia can really have an impact. and hope that one day soon we will see Lydia flying to some of these communities and showing them that disability is not a curse, it is a simple fact of life, and can be embraced.  Imagine a few years from now, Lydia, and others like her, will be earning, and supporting their parents... now, that is the story that needs to reach the ears of these folks who lack understanding.  Before we condemn, just remember the past of the developed nations - witch hunts, dragons, crusades, freak-shows, etc. - many societies have gone through this sort of thing at some point.  Help us to find ways to bring health and related education for sustainable growth, that will save many lives, here.


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