Submitted by Rachelle Milam
Abraham Maslow once said, “All the evidence that we have indicates
that is reasonable to assume in practically every human being and
certainly in almost every newborn baby, that there is an active will
toward health, an impulse toward growth, or towards the
actualization...” Can I just say that I LOVE this quote because it is
SO true, especially here! Most people are not out to make themselves
sick, nobody WANTS to be ill, disabled, and most people don’t want to
be the same person in fifty years that they are now. Here in Ghana,
most of the time, life is about survival. Life is about bringing in
your crop or making enough so that you can feed your family for
another day. When things like sickness or disability comes along,
people usually react in one of two ways - they ignore it and continue
to try to survive, or they essentially live as invalids. There isn’t a
whole lot of in between. Granted, maybe that’s just how I’ve observed
it. However, it’s amazing to me to watch the way some people
persevere. When they come across something they think will help their
way of life and it is attainable for them, they latch onto it with and
enthusiasm that is amazing to me.
I see this enthusiasm in the communities we’ve come to know - They
have a very decided will towards health, a desire to grow in knowledge
and to see their children grow to be adults. When I hear about a
community willing to implement new practices to try to avoid things
like diarrhea or malaria, I see their will to live. They move beyond
simply surviving, they begin to live. When they move towards better
health, there is new hope for every baby gasping in its first breath
of life.
I remember once hearing a man who worked in Israel say during his
presentation, “When you see these pictures, you simply see faces from
a distant land. But when I look at these pictures, I see friends. I
see lives changed.” I’ve never forgotten what he said and it’s become
even more relevant to me now. To our readers, I hope when you look at
the pictures on this blog, you don’t simply see faces from a distant
land. I hope you see the lives that are changed. They are not so
different from us, and they too have an active will towards health,
towards life, and and a fervent impulse to grow.
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