With your help the people of West Africa have "a chance, not only to change their own lives and their own destinies, but to change the future of an entire generation".

Monday, June 11, 2012

It's a Girl!

Submitted by Michaela Sholes

Working with the rural communities has been such a special privilege. We at MoM have often talked about the way we want them to feel supported and cared for by flying over them even though we are not always able to visit in person. Through answering their calls after a drop, calling them in between drops, and meeting them face to face at trainings, we have gotten to know them in such a unique way. In the same way, hearing from them as they call just to say hello, or when they celebrate community successes and joys, means so much as it indicates that they are also thinking of us. Noah, the health volunteer from Dawa-Kpersebi called this morning to celebrate with us that his wife had delivered a baby girl! Mother and child are doing well, he says, and they are looking forward to having the naming ceremony for the little one.

What does this have to do with health? People are what matter about health...health is personal. Whether it is discussing health behaviors or actions towards treatment, and certainly when celebrating a new life, each aspect of that is dependent upon the people. I am so honored to be able to share that joy with them!